Building Re-development

At the beginning of September 2016, the head reported in the weekly newsletter that plans for the building redevelopment had been submitted to the planning authority and that the school hoped to hear back from the local authority and planning committee soon.

A request has recently been made for additional information about the planning process to be published on the school website.   The head and governing body hope this additional information will be enable parents and the public to better understand the planning process and how plans can be viewed and commented upon.

Which planning authority have the plans been submitted to?

·       The planning authority is Cambridgeshire County Council and the planning application is a Regular 3 application. A Regular 3 application allows the council to be the planning authority for the county councils own development in schools.

Does the planning application have a reference number?

·       Yes, the planning application reference number is: C/5008/16/CC.

Where can I see the planning application?

·       All planning applications are available to view on the planning authorities website.  To view a planning application follow the link below and use the planning application reference number C/5008/16/CC


How can I comment on the plans?

·    To comment on the planning application, view the planning application on the planning authorities website as described above.  The webpage will allow you to comment on the planning application.

·       The link below gives additional information about how to comment on planning applications


Where else can I see the plans for proposed re-development?

·       The plans continue to be available to view in Morley’s community room.  Please contact the office if you would like to view them.

Where can I find out more about the proposed re-development?

·       Information about the planned redevelopment continues to be available on the school website.

When will parents hear more about the planning application?

·       At present there are no further developments to report apart from the notification that the planning application has been submitted which was in the newsletter of 9th Sept 2016.   Once the school hears back from the planning authority, the head and governors will inform parents of the outcome.


Governor News – Planning for the year ahead

In the Autumn Term, one of the most important roles for governors is to agree a school development plan for the academic year. Governors agree the most important areas to focus on and goals to work towards. The head and staff then develop a detailed plan to make the make sure the goals are achieved.

Governors gather information from lots of different sources to make sure we are picking the right priorities. For example, we discuss priorities with the head teacher in governors meetings, we talk to teachers and pupils during visits to the school, we ask for the opinion of parents in the annual survey and we look at government documents that allow us to compare the results of children at Morley with other schools across the country.

Priorities for this year include:

* Pupil outcomes: Improving attainment in writing and maths and further improving outcomes for children receiving pupil premium and who have English as an additional language.

* Leadership and management: Continuing to develop the role of subject and year group leaders and using the Equalities Award and Artsmark framework to further develop provision.

* Teaching, learning and assessment: Reviewing how feedback is given to children, further developing effectiveness of differentiation and developing more outstanding teaching.

* Behaviour, safety and wellbeing: Further reducing low-level disruption, developing the role of pupils in preventing bullying behaviour and improve school procedures for dealing with bullying incidents. Re-designing the school council so pupil voice has greater impact.

More information about the work of the governing body can be found here.

Nicky Odgers, Chair of Governors