Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

The problem of the Benin Bronzes will never go away | The Spectator

The Year 4 Classes are taught by Mr Pullen (Jade) & Mr Squires (Sapphire) and our TAs Ms. Wojciechowska, Ms. Hamidouch, Ms Coxall & Mr Geen. Our PPA cover teachers are Ms. Simpson & Ms. Edgeworth.

This year we are going to have many adventures to help us learn, from travelling through Africa to journeying through the human body!

This half-term our topic is The Kingdom of Benin. In English, we will be reading stories which represent different viewpoints from around the world. We will learn to write speech correctly and how to add extra detail to our writing. In Maths, we will be focusing on Numbers up to 10,000 and formal methods of addition and subtraction. In History, we will be learning about the core history of Benin and its Golden Age. In Art we will explore adinkra patterns. In Music we will be learning about jazz music, and in PE we will focus on football and swimming.

We will also have a geography project to compare villages and cities, discovering why people choose to live in different locations, followed by a DT project to build an electrical vehicle.  

As writers will learn to use speech correctly, ensuring punctuation is correct. Children will learn how to use fronted adverbials to say where, when or how something is happening. We will learn about how expanded noun phrases with prepositions can be used to add extra information to our description.  We will also create our own versions of the Australian and Moroccan sides of ‘Mirror’, expanding this book into a full narrative. Children will also be learning about non-fiction texts, what makes different texts sound the way they do – these texts will be focused around our topic of Benin.

As readers we will take part in reciprocal reading sessions, being introduced to the roles of predictor, summariser, questioner and clarifier. Children will read texts from Africa, especially focused on Benin: An African Kingdom.

As mathematicians we will be developing our understanding of number, focusing on numbers up to 10,000. Children will develop their understanding of place value as well as learning the formal methods for addition and subtraction. As part of this unit children will gain a deeper knowledge of how numbers can be partitioned to help us solve difficult maths problems.


Homework tasks are provided on a Friday, where appropriate and should be completed by the following Wednesday.

We will also be doing swimming on a Monday (starting 23rd September) and outdoor PE on a Tuesday (Jade) and Thursday (Sapphire).  Please send your child to school in their named PE kit, with other clothes in a bag, so that they can change after the lesson. 

Copy of Y4 Long Term Plan Overview 2023-24

Curriculum information for parents Summer 2

Forest School Curriculum information Summer 2

New to Year 4 meeting slides

Year 4 Reading Assessment Statements

Year 4 Writing Assessment Statements

Year 4 Maths Assessment Statements

Year 4 Science Assessment Statements

NC14 Y3&4 Spelling and Wordlist

Y4_Joining_letter_sets for handwriting