
Listed below are some of the school’s key policies.

Under the Equality Act 2010, we have a duty not to discriminate against people on the basis of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
Our policies have been equality impact assessed and we believe that they are in line with the Equality Act 2010 as they are fair, do not prioritise or disadvantage any pupils and they help to promote equality at our school.


Accessibility Plan


Behaviour and Discipline Policy

Behaviour Principles

British values school statement

British values parent information leaflet

Charging & Remissions Policy  

Children not Collected from School Cambridgeshire Protocol

Collective Worship Policy

 Code of Conduct for All Adults

Communications Code

Complaints Policy 

Data Protection Policy

E-Safety Policy

Equality Policy

Exclusion policy

Extra-Curricular Activities Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme

Healthy Eating and Food Policy

Home Learning Policy

Lettings Policy

 Medicines in School Policy

Policy for Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints

Privacy Notice – Pupils

 Privacy Notice – Parents-Carers

Privacy Notice – Visitors

Relationships Education Policy including Sex Education

MMPS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

School Dress Code for Children

School Safety Policy

SEND Policy


Supporting Children with Medical Needs and Conditions Policy

Tackling Bullying

Teaching and Learning Policy

Use of Mobile Phones in Schools

Whistleblowing Policy  

Paper copies of policies or website information is available upon request. Should you require a paper copy of a particular policy or piece of information please contact the school office on office@morley.cambs.sch.uk with details of your request.