Welcome to Year 2!
Burgundy class is taught by Mr Ip.
Ruby class is taught by Ms Everrett .
The fantastic teaching assistants who work across both classes are Ms Giddings, Ms Bromwell and Ms Chen.
Brilliant Bugs
Would you rather be an African land snail or a Madagascan hissing cockroach?
This half-term our topic is Brilliant Bugs. In English, we will begin by writing information texts based upon our exciting animal encounters and our class non-fiction text The Big Book of Bugs. We will then create our own bug villain and write a sequel to our class fiction book Spyder. In maths we will be focusing on adding and subtracting two-digit numbers, including where exchanges are required. We will also continue to apply our mathematical skills to practical problems involving measures, money, volume, mass and time. In science we will explore plants through observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We will conduct investigations to explore what plants needs to grow healthily. We will be exploring different microhabitats in the wildflower meadow, and reflect on what we can do to help protect our environment. In art we will be producing our own bug-inspired monoprint work.
Further detail can be found on our ‘Curriculum Descriptor’.
General Information
Book-bags should be brought into school every day: we encourage children to be as independent as possible and to remember their book-bag for themselves.
The children will go home with three new books every week: a Library book, a class book corner book and a guided reading book.
We hear children read in Guided Reading sessions, and individually at other times.
Children are encouraged to change their books regularly.
Our PE days
Burgundy Class: Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor)
Ruby Class: Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor)
On PE days please bring your Morley PE kit to change into at school (see here for more details). A PE kit consists of T-shirt, shorts, long-sleeved top and jogging bottoms, spare socks, trainers or plimsolls. Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery please.
Children will need to bring a filled and named water bottle to school each day. The class tap is drinking water and the children are able to fill their bottles as needed.
Homework will be set on Wednesday via Google Classroom, to be submitted by the following Tuesday. Login details can be found in your child’s reading record. Homework will be acknowledged by the class teacher on Google Classroom.
Curriculum information for parents Summer 1