Year 5

Welcome to the new academic year!

Indigo Class are taught by Ms Griffiths and Amethyst Class are taught by Mr Brown. Both classes are assisted by Ms Lilley and Mr Nash. Both classes will also be covered at some point in the week by Ms Simpson and Mr Ecclestone (for music) and Amethyst will also be taught by Ms Moss.

Year 5 should arrive at the main gates at 8.40 and be collected at 3.15. Year 5 children can walk home alone if they have written permission from their parents or carers.


Indigo and Amethyst’s P.E days are Monday (indoor) and Wednesdays (outdoor). 

If your child does not have a PE kit or have inappropriate jewellery, they cannot partake in PE. Please contact Mr Brown or Ms Griffiths via the school office if you are having difficulties finding a PE kit.

If your child has earrings which cannot be taken out, they MUST come to school with tape.

Homework is set on Friday and due by Wednesday of the following week. To ensure children can remember these, children should practise spellings on SpellingFrame and Timestables on TTRockstars for short periods at least 3 times a week.


Autumn 1 2024

This half term we will have two areas of study. Firstly, we will be answering the question “How were civil Rights fought for in Britain?” We will look at the Bristol Bus Boycott. place it in a historical context, and look at the effects it had on life in Britain.

Our core text in English will be Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold, who will also be the focus of our art work.

After this, we will be concentrating on our Shakespeare productions! These will be performed at The Junction on Monday 25th November. Tickets for this go on sale on Wednesday 18th September – we recommend a limit of three tickets per family so that everyone is able to enjoy their child’s performance.

In maths, we will be focusing on using decimal fractions (including money) and our science will focus on forces such as gravity and air resistance.

Children must continue to read the books they enjoy, everyday, at home, to themselves or to an adult. They should write in their own reading records, and use their ‘Reciprocal Reading’ bookmarks to help them. Adults must sign this to stay updated with children’s reading, and ask further questions to deepen understanding.

If you would like to contact either Ms Brown or Ms Griffiths, please do so via the school office.

Useful links and documents for parents

Y5 Curriculum Descriptor Autumn  1

End of year expectations for Y5 in reading, writing, maths & science

Year 3/4 Spelling words

Y5/6 Spelling words

Y5/6 Handwriting joining sets 

Y5 Meet the Teacher slides

Y5 Long Term Curriculum Plan

Supporting children to read at home