‘Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community.’ World Health Organisation
Welcome to the Morley Wellbeing Support Page.
I’m Elinor Brown, the Pupil Wellbeing Lead at Morley Memorial here to offer pastoral support for you and your child. I hope you’ll find the information here helpful.
If you have any specific wellbeing questions or concerns, please contact office@morley.cambs.sch.uk
Wellbeing is part of Morley’s curriculum and ethos. It is a vital ingredient in enabling children to learn and thrive. As a school community we all have a role in nurturing your child’s mental health.
Within school we have whole school assemblies on keeping healthy and happy. Everyone plays a role in supporting pupil wellbeing and we also have a dedicated team. We are also here to support you, as parents and carers, in our shared commitment to caring for all our children.
As part of our commitment across the school community in 2022-23 we will also be focusing on our Whole School Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.
Meet the Wellbeing team
Pupil Wellbeing Lead: Ms Elinor Brown SEN Teacher and Forest School Leader: Ms Lucy Mutter
Wellbeing TAs: Ms Amanda Cooper and Mr Rob Geen
What does wellbeing look like at Morley?
Universal Offer – from 2022-23 we are introducing a classroom-based wellbeing curriculum for all year groups. We will be using the dots and Paws b curricula created for children in schools by teachers and mindfulness experts. The curricula include exploring focus, making skilful choices, recognising when we need to steady ourselves and ways we can be kind to ourselves and those around us, the courses have practices that the children can use in school and at home to support themselves. FIND OUT MORE
Forest School – nature connection has been shown to benefit mental health and wellbeing. Forest School takes place in a natural environment on site, supporting the development of a lifelong relationship between the learner and the natural world and including a range of participant-centred processes to create a community for being, development and learning.
Small groups – we offer groups to support children who would benefit. These include activities focusing on particular skills such as team work, friendship, recognising and managing emotions, and social skills.
Individual Support – we offer one-to-one support for children which may include understanding and managing emotions, friendship difficulties, building confidence, or specific issues such as divorce and bereavement.
Parent/Carer Workshops and Courses – we are offering sessions including introducing our universal offer, supporting children who experience anxiety and helping your child with transition. These are open to all parents and carers.
Individual Support for Parents – including questions about mental health & wellbeing, advice about specific issues your children may be experiencing, and sign-posting to more specialist services.
Resources – we have a collection of links to resources to help you support your family’s mental health and wellbeing.
Access to small groups and individual support is through referrals by school staff.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child we are here to support them and you so please let us know. You can email us at office@morley.cambs.sch.uk.
Sources of self-help, guidance and support for parents and children
Here’s a list of websites and organisations which I hope you will find helpful. There are many other sources of support out there – these ones have been recommended, or been found useful. If you know of any others, please let me know.
Support for parents
www.ahaparenting.com – Website, blog, book suggestions, online parenting course
Familylives.org.uk | 0808 800 2222 – Website for parents with information on topics such as bullying, transitions, discipline, step-families, relatives in prison. Confidential helpline, parenting advice videos, online forum, online parenting courses
Youngminds.org.uk | 0808 802 5544 – Website with information and advice for parents on a wide range of issues and topics. Confidential helpline for parents.
Gingerbread.org.uk | 0808 802 0925 – website for single parents, with financial and legal information, factsheets on a variety of topics, tips for single parents; freephone helpline; training courses; online forum; parenting support groups
cambridgewa.org.uk (Cambridge Women’s Aid) |Safe refuge: 01223 4609 | Community support: 01223 361214 – dedicated and specialist services to support women and children affected by domestic abuse (whether recent or in the past), including confidential information and advice, 1:1 and group support (including for children), Live Chat service, and helplines
Mindedforfamilies.org.uk – Website for adults offering training modules on a range of issues, including bereavement, bullying, family difficulties, substance abuse, school refusal, trauma, sexual orientation & gender, attachment, moving schools, eating disorders, risky behaviour, SEND
www.cwrc.org.uk (Cambridge Women’s Resources Centre) – A welcoming and accessible women’s centre, offering practical support and advice on many challenging day to day issues including guidance on career development, support and advice on debt and financial, family and parenting, together with a mix of fun and practical informal groups, workshops and networking events
P3 Cambridgeshire floating support service – Charity for people who need support to manage and maintain their accommodation if it is at risk, including support with mental ill-health or debt and financial issues
homestartcambridgeshire.co.uk – A voluntary organisation offering support to families who have at least one child under five, through weekly volunteer home visits, supporting with issues including parental mental health, isolation, postnatal illness, disability, bereavement, multiple births and parenting skills.
Growth mindset & resilience
Biglifejournal.com – Free resources/activities emailed every week to mailing list; blog; podcast for children; other resources available to purchase
www.mindsetworks.com – Information about growth mindset vs fixed mindset approaches
Mental Health
centre33.org.uk | 0333 4141809 – Local organisation. Free confidential services for young people aged 13-25 including counselling, advice and support
childline.org.uk | 0800 1111 – Free confidential service, online and by phone, for children (up to age 19)
Familylives.org.uk | 0808 800 2222 – Website for parents; confidential helpline; online forum
Chums.uk.com – Website with information and advice for adults and children, including anxiety, bullying, diet & exercise, low mood & feeling sad, mindfulness, self-harm, sleep, tics & tourettes.
www.cogwheel.org.uk | 01223 464385 – Local organisation. Counselling for individual adults and children, and couples. Referrals can be made directly by phone
http://www.cpft.nhs.uk/services/pws/psychological-wellbeing-service.htm (CPFT Psychological Wellbeing Service) | 0300 300 0055 – Local NHS services for adults. Talking therapies for mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Adults can refer themselves online
Keep-your-head.com/cyp – Website to support young people in Cambridgeshire. Information and advice for parents, children and young people on feeling good, staying healthy, taking time out, tips on being positive & happy, ideas around mindfulness, bullying
Kooth.com – Website for young people aged 11-19 in Cambridgeshire. Create a free account to access anonymous online counselling, information, online community, and a daily journal
Mindedforfamilies.org.uk – Website for adults offering training modules on a range of issues, including bereavement, child abuse & exploitation, bullying, family difficulties, substance abuse, school refusal, trauma, sexual orientation & gender, attachment, moving schools, eating disorders, risky behaviour, SEND
www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk – Website for all ages, with self-help guides on a number of issues, including mindfulness, exercise, diet, sleep, anger, obsessions & compulsions, anxiety, phobia, trauma, self-harm, bereavement
Moodscope.com – Interactive website for adults and children age 13+. Measure your mood daily, and share with a trusted friend, as a tool for its improvement
www.annafreud.org/on-my-mind/self-care/ – Website created by and for young people. Information on mental health support, including a self-care section with extensive list of methods to help young people
Youngminds.org.uk – Website with information and advice for parents and children, on issues such as anger, abuse, bullying, death, drug use, eating problems, school, online pressures, self-esteem, self-harm, sleep, suicidal feelings; and conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, mania, OCD, PTSD, psychosis.
childline.org.uk | 0800 1111 – Free confidential service, online and by phone, for children (up to age 19)
Familylives.org.uk | 0808 800 2222 – Website for parents with information on topics including bullying. Confidential helpline and online forum for parents
Keep-your-head.com/cyp – Website to support young people in Cambridgeshire. Information and advice for parents, children and young people on topics including bullying.
www.kidscape.org.uk | 020 7823 5430 – National website with support and advice for parents and children. Confidential phone line for parents; free workshops for children aged 9-16 who have experienced bullying, and their parents
Mindedforfamilies.org.uk – Website for adults offering training modules on a range of issues, including , bullying
www.cruse.org.uk/Cambridge |01223 633536 (local) | 0808 8081677 (national) – Local organisation. Free helpline; 1:1 support for children age 4+; drop-in centres; 1:1 and group support for adults; website with information and advice for adults and young people.
www.hopeagain.org.uk – Website for children and young people, by Cruse [see above]
Talktostars.org.uk – Local organisation offering counselling for children and young people. Website with information and advice for parents and children
www.winstonswish.org | 08088 020 021 – Website with information for parents and older young people. Phone line and online chat; drop-in groups; 1:1 and group therapy for young people
help2makesense.org – Website for children and young people with information and advice, created by Winston’s Wish [see above]
Young carers
centre33.org.uk/help/caring/ (Young Carers Project) – Local organisation. Group and 1:1 support for children aged 8+ who are young carers
Youngminds.org.uk – Website with information and advice for parents and children, including being a young carer
Mindedforfamilies.org.uk – Website for adults offering training modules on a range of issues, including SEND
www.autism.org.uk (National Autistic Society) | 0808 800 4104 – National website for adults with information including what is autism, diagnosis, benefits & care, behaviour, communication, strategies & approaches, health, family life, education, transition, adult life. Phone line; online community forums.
www.nascambridge.org.uk – Local branch of the National Autistic Society. Phone & email help; parent support groups.
Pinpoint-cambs.org.uk – Local organisation for parents of children with SEND in Cambridgeshire, including Social Emotional and Mental Health needs. With information and local support groups
romseymill.org/aspire/ | 01223 521270 – Local organisation offering weekly youth groups for young people aged 9-18 in mainstream education with a high-functioning ASD diagnosis
spectrum.org.uk – Parent-led local support for families supporting autism and SEND needs, learning difficulties and disabilities (including undiagnosed). Online community; family workers; and events, activities, days out and sessions for children and families focusing around social gains, sport, technology, the Arts, entertainment and interaction.c