Early Years

Welcome to Early Years!

In Early Years we have two classes (Gold Class and Silver Class), who work and play together.

Gold Class is a Reception class of  incredible children led by Mrs McLeish and Silver Class is a Reception class of  equally incredible children led by Ms Proctor and Mrs Ward. We have a great team of teaching assistants in Early Years: Ms Smart, Ms English and Ms Grant. We work hard together to build a happy and engaging learning environment for everybody to thrive in and to have the best possible start to their exciting school learning journey.

Our topic for the Autumn 1 term is, ‘Marvellous Me, Wonderful You,’ and we will be asking the question, ‘How do we look after ourselves and our friends?’ We will establish new rules and routines and learn how to enjoy and take care of our new learning environment. We will be finding out about people that help us such as the  police, fire service and doctors and will hopefully meet some people that help us and have the opportunity to ask questions!

This half-term we will start the Floppy’s Phonics Programme and be introduced to our first phonemes /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ /i/ /n/ /m/ /d/ /g/ /o/ /c/ /k/. Children will begin to blend sounds to read and begin to learn the tricky and helpful word ‘I’. We will begin to send reading books home that have no words yet. With these children can spot the setting and the characters, discussing what they are doing and trying to work out what is going on in the story. They can also try to spot things that begin with the sounds that they have been learning above. In English we will focus on retelling repetitive stories such as, ‘The Bear Hunt,’ using sounds and actions. We have also started to create pictorial story maps.

In maths we are learning to count to 5 and to recognise groups of objects up to 5 without counting. We are also learning to recognise, continue and create our own repetitive patterns.

Please make sure to bring book bags, reading records and books into school every day to get into good habits when they begin their group reading sessions. They are also a handy way to bring home letters and wonderful creations from our busy learning time!

Please look at our slides from our EY Curriculum Workshop 2024 10.10.2024.

General Information

You will receive weekly newsletters through Parent Mail outlining what we have covered during the week and how you can support children with consolidating their learning.

P.E. lessons will usually take place on Fridays, and will either be outdoors or indoors. Please keep PE kits in school so we can take advantage of opportunities on other days too.  PE kit consists of: navy blue shorts, white t-shirt, navy blue tracksuit (top and bottoms), velcro strap trainers or plimsolls and spare socks in a draw string bag – remember to name all clothing and bag clearly!

Children have a fruit snack and milk every day (the milk is available through Cool Milk and free for all children up until the age of 5, after which you will be asked if you wish to continue and contribute to the cost). Children should bring in their own named water bottles to school and take them home daily to be cleaned.

If you have any questions about school, please contact the Office by phone, email, in person or come and find us!

Useful Information

EY Curriculum Descriptor Summer 2 24

EY Curriculum Descriptor Summer 1 24

EY Curriculum Descriptor Spring 2 24

EY Curriculum Descriptor Spring1 24

EY Curriculum Descriptor Aut2 2023

EY Curriculum Descriptor Aut1 23

YR long term planning overview 2023-24


Penpals – Example letter formation before joining

What to expect in the EYFS – A guide for Parents

Early Learning Goals

Floppys Phonics Letter to parents and carers

Floppy Phonics extra practice zone

Supporting children to read at home


